Leave some friggen' comments

Would someone please leave a comment? Reading your own stuff gets boring...Tell me what sucks about the page, i don't care, just something..


Anonymous said…
Where did you get that calvin pic?
Anonymous said…
every page linked to from your home page still has www.jesseparker.com as its address, even webshots.
Anonymous said…
Thats a copyright infringement,
I should turn you in, ha ha
Anonymous said…
Got the picture of Duncan & Bailey this AM. Love your site. Even though it looks like John takes the best pictures. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Anonymous said…
When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

sitting here, sneezing, and listening to morcheeba

bitchin' website, jesse...

Anonymous said…
De dуnde eres? їEs un secreto? :)

Anonymous said…
Nombre de www.jesseparker.com a GoogleReader!

Anonymous said…
En la carga de antivirus mi pбgina de poner alerta, por favor de verificaciуn.
Have a nice day

Anonymous said…
ЎUf, me gustу! Tan clara y positiva.


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