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German Efficiency
jesse parker
Buying and Registering a Car: Germany: Make an appointment with a dealer Test drive Car Buy car Leave without car and go home Gather car information from dealer. they will probably mail it so you'll have to wait for that Get car insurance Go register car Go buy license plate Go back to car registration place and get sticker applied to license plate Take plates to dealership, put on car drive car home United States Make an appointment with a dealer Test drive car Buy car drive car home insure car online register car, recieve plates and put on car in one location
Lyon and Nice were nice but expensive. Cinque terre was very beautiful (thats where the picture is from) I ran into a bunch of other travelers and we had a good time. From there I went to Milan and visited Gianni, an italian client of 1050. Saw the sites and ate a lot of gelato (delicious Italian ice cream) Had a nice italian dinner with the rest of the italians we guided that night. Went to Venice the next day, it was a really cool city but i was lost most the time trying to find my way through it. Spent the next night in the Verona train station waiting for a five am train.
Pictures up on my site by the time you read this.