East coasting it

So after years of harassment from Jesse I came down to visit him in Connecticut. I arrived at 5:30 AM after an interesting day/night of traveling that started at noon and involved 7 hours of driving, 5 of flying and 3 of waiting in airports. We went for a bike ride back behind school the day arrived and it was fun, slippery rocks and roots the like of which I haven't seen in Montana. The next day we went over to Rhode Island and did some Rhode Island things such as eating stuffies and quahogs and helping Jesse practiced his "Rhode Island block" on the roads. I broadened my chowda experience to include the clear variety too, which is also delicious. We then went to Block Island via ferry and hung out on beaches, did a little ocean swimming and looked at some bluffs and lighthouses and such. Good times. Then we drove back to Storrs and slept for a while. Now I'm in his office downloading some pictures off of my camera to make room for our upcoming trip to Mass. and the White Mountains.
