
Baby rats are called pups, so these really are puppies.

I didn't drink any more of that coffee after that. I definitely like the little guys, but I'm not quite that sort of pet owner yet...
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karanoelle said…
Oh, so that's why you were sitting in the rat cage this morning. Great shot.
Anonymous said…
Is it weird not feeding them to a snake?
jesse parker said…
haha, my snake never got big enough to eat rats.... Mice were easier to feed to the snake, less personality and more poop..
Rob & Sarah said…
are you starting some kind of evil laboratory? that would be sweeeet
jesse parker said…
I was thinking of testing the affects of caffeine on rats, but Kara says no.. Probably better that way, more coffee for me..
Unknown said…
I bet they would poop a lot if they drank espresso
Rob & Sarah said…
yeah! feed them some espresso mixed with mineral oil! document the results

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