It seems

Part of being an adult is junk mail.. well that and larger amounts of taxes taken out of my paycheck...

It's finally winter here, there's snow on the ground and everything. It seems that when it's really cold here it is in the single digits, so if that's all I have to deal with I'm pretty happy about it. I like the weather around here so far....

Here are a few pictures, the gummi bear was beheaded and photographed by Kara. Note the Billings refinery smoke in the background. The second is me getting ready to bust some heads at work at a very early hour. Note the sweet ink stain on the used shirt I was given. It's since been replaced by two other shirts that are clean, but way too big.. Eventually they'll get it right. The last one is from a couple of weeks ago, a cool sunset I took with Kara's camera. It's a powershot A570 is and I like it quite a bit. The IS is very useful in low or any indoor light.


Rob & Sarah said…
Cool dude, you look all professional and stuff with you shirt tucked in.
jesse parker said…
I know, I was surprised when I looked at the picture..

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