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Rob & Sarah said…
Sweet shots. That pair of leaves look pretty lonely. Like the last couple to reside in some nearly deserted town in North Dakota. Hanks maybe.
Unknown said…
I'm convinced, I want one.
jesse parker said…
Just hangin' on until the end of their days... Making fun of North Dakota is fun
Rob & Sarah said…
I guess the state's legislature considered dropping the North from their name a couple times to make it's image seem less cold.

Anonymous said…
someone's been reading national geographic
Mike said…
I'm not sure about all of the NoDak jokes...
I think that making fun of Rhode Island would be easier. It's puny!

a Nodakian
jesse parker said…
yeah, but Rhode Island has much better Espresso than Nodak... And much better pizza. I've never been to Nodak, but I'm assuming they don't have many italians.
jesse parker said…
Good one anonymous

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