Pike's Peak: America's Mountain

I snowboarded some chutes off of the auto road on Pikes Peak on Sunday with a couple of folks from work. We would ride to the top and someone would drive down while the rest skied down. It was quite fun, the weather was quite nice too, something that isn't particularly common up there. It's sort of funny that I've only been snowboarding twice this year but didn't seem to forget how.. I guess it's like riding a bike..

So that's why I'm out of breath..

The view is pretty nice, Monument is in the far background with various drinking water reservoirs in the foreground. (ps, Colorado Springs' water was voted #2 in a blind taste test of major municipalities)

Dave, my Quality Engineer's bosses husband:

Some dork on a snowboard:

The road we drove up is in the background of this one.


Unknown said…
free vert!

Looks like better conditions then our last shuttle on beartooth pass. Marshall recently determined that was his worst backcountry run ever.
jesse parker said…
Worse than the time we went up beartooth?

The snow was quite good, only one rock all day.

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