
So a paper I submitted with a post-doc from Iowa got accepted to the 2007 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) which will take place on September 4-7, 2007, at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada.

So, yeah 4 days in Vegas on UConn... Spend a day or two at Bootleg Canyon, attend the conference and present a paper comparing kinetostatic and dynamic approaches to protein potential energy minimization. (a fancy title for a fairly simple paper) shouldn't be too bad eh?


Anonymous said…
I know all about that stuff, in case you want me to go along to help. JP 6 7/8ths.
Unknown said…
Burning something and throwing it off a cliff is a good way to reduce potential (and chemical) energy. You should present that.
Anonymous said…
Waddaya mean simple???? F
jesse parker said…
I could say that while this program does a pretty decent job, setting the protein on fire still works better.

Wanna meet me in Vegas Zeke? We can bet it all on black..
Anonymous said…
I taught him everthing I know and he still got into college. Read up on blackjack, that's where all the snooty MIT guys win the money.
karanoelle said…
That hotel is all suites. Be sure to go see Prince's show on friday night!

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