Winter Park

Met up with Alan, a friend from Bozeman at Winter Park this weekend.  The weather was excellent, cold nights but no rain or anything during the day..  The leaves were turning too.  This ain't no New England, but pretty impressive anyways..  Two albums here and here .

Rode up to one of the summits of Winter Park Resort/Mary Jane mountain. May Jane is 
named after a "lady of the night" who was given the mountain in return for "services".  

There's a giant mountain biking competition with some serious jumps.. Like this thing, it 
was scary just standing at the top of it.

Some of the other things were a bit less scary and quite a bit of fun..
and there was a lot of nice trail in between.

Took a quick ride up an access road from Berthoud Pass this morning, nice views.. still a bit cold.


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