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Forgive me, I've been busy doing other things like riding my bike and spending time off the internets. I have a backlog of pictures from some random rides, so here they are... The first one will link to a few more.

This is a ride near where I work, It's currently covered in snow.

From Random
Then we move on to a lesser known ride around here, it starts with a dirt road climb for nearly an hour. Good scenery:

Then you descend into a cool limestone canyon with trail unlike most of what you find around here. Creek crossings, real dirt, more like the east coast than here.. The canyon itself is quite scenic too, limestone isn't very common around here. I did this ride last Friday and it was really cool to be able to have a place all to my own, I spent a fair amount of time just enjoying the scenery.

Then there was the ride on Wednesday before the snowstorm. My friend Kristian just got a Truvativ Hammershmidt, a two speed epicyclic gearbox that replaces the front derrailler and chainrings.

Epicyclic gearing isn't new by any means, but the presentation is spot on for this application. Ground clearance is the biggest benefit, as shown below. It's a way smaller diameter than the typical front chainrings (gears) on a mountain bike. On my Yeti I would of destroyed my chainrings doing this:

Instant shifting is another benefit, you don't even have to be riding to do it..

Weather has been really weird lately, that last two day's I've seen lightning and heard thunder while it's been snowing.. From Wednsday as well:

On a different note, I'm sort of half-assed house hunting right now. Real estate around here is at an all time low and I'm in a pretty good position to buy, so It's pretty much a no-brainer to do it. I'm thinking withing the next 3 months I'll be a real live homeowner.. But that doesn't make me an adult.. that's scary.


Eric Greene said…
I bought a house too! Have fun with that. It was ridiculously easy for me.,+Washington,+Rhode+Island+02882&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.231745,56.601563&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FQ_XeAIdttK9-w&split=0&ll=41.474229,-71.44583&spn=0.008376,0.013819&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A

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